
EVTA League Programs
USTA Adult 18 & Over League
Do you want to meet new people, stay fit, start playing the game of a lifetime, improve those tennis skills and/or just have the time of your life? Join USTA League tennis and we promise all of the above. We offer programs for the beginning player up through and including the advanced level player.
Georgia involves over 49,000 adults age 18 and up in USTA League Tennis. This league features progression from Local Leagues to State championship tournaments, Sectional championship tournaments and then to a National championship tournament. If your computer rating is from 2009 to present, that rating must be used, however, if your rating is prior to 2009 or you have not had a previous computer rating, you may self-rate. USTA League Tennis features two single and three doubles play.
USTA Adult 40 & Over and 55 & Over Leagues
As we all know the baby boomers are increasing in numbers, they are retiring, kids have left home, and are looking for a new hobby and/or activity. Today’s seniors are fit, healthy and want to stay that way. Well, USTA League tennis has a program for you.
Adult 40 & Over and 55 & Over tennis is friendly, fun and competitive. Teams play local league play, some progress to State championships, Section championships and then progress to National championships. Do you want to be part of this fast growing league?
You need to be 40 or 55 years or older, USTA membership is required and if you do not have a current NTRP rating you may self rate.
Our local league format for 40 & over is 1 line of singles and 2 lines of doubles, for 55 and over it is 3 lines of doubles. If you advance to the state championship, you will have to play 2 lines of singles and 3 lines of doubles.
Please contact your local league coordinator and get started today. We have teams waiting for you. Just serve them up.
USTA Mixed Doubles
Looking for a great program, exercise, meet new people, or share an activity with your other half? Join USTA League tennis Mixed Doubles Division. Georgia has over 7,500 mixed doubles players. Teams range from beginner level to professional.
Our Mixed Doubles league plays at 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 levels. If you have a partner that is just below or above you in rating, you can play together. If your computer rating is from 2008 to present, that rating must be used, however, if your rating is prior to 2008 or you have not had a previous computer rating, you may self-rate. USTA membership is required.
This is a very friendly, social and competitive league. Winners of local league may progress to a State championship tournament, State Champions qualify for Sectional championship tournament, and then on to a National championship tournament.
Southern Combo Doubles
The Southern Combo Doubles program is the fastest-growing adult program in the Southern Section!
Local team play is available in Adult combined levels 5.5, 6.5 and 7.5 and Senior combined levels 6.5, and 7.5. Team matches consist of three doubles. Players without a computer rating may self-rate themselves.
Winning local teams advance to a State Championship, with a chance of advancing to the Sectional Championship.